From the President

June 22, 2022

Dear Friends,

I have had a number of “new beginnings.” The most significant of all would be my acceptance of Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and beginning an intentional relationship with Jesus as a teenager. Others have included starting college, getting married, becoming a father, beginning my first chief executive role and, of course, beginning a new chapter of work and life at Houghton University.

There is one particular beginning that I do not often talk about but which has had particular significance in my life. In August of 2005, Monica and I lost our home in St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana, to Hurricane Katrina. Knowing that a monster storm was approaching the Gulf Coast, we made the decision to evacuate. Thankfully, we had the means and ability to do so, unlike so many others living in our region. We fully expected to return home within a day or two, possibly with a bit of flooding. We had miscalculated. We lost our home and just about everything in it. I will never forget walking into our home for the first time after being allowed to return to see our refrigerator at the staircase on the 2nd floor.

On the other side of Hurricane Katrina, our lives began anew. Much more important than anything we lost, here is what God taught us:

  • While you will have to weather some storms in this life, I will be with you, always. (Psalm 27:4-6)
  • I am able to keep you through the storms of life and restore you on the other side of those storms. (1 Peter 5:10)
  • I will make all things good for those who love me and have been called according to my purpose. (Romans 8:28)

With this issue of Houghton Magazine, as you read about the new beginnings of fearless Houghton students and alumni, I encourage you to identify the ways in their lives and in your life that God cares for us, equips us and strengthens us, even in our new beginnings. Our beginnings are often fresh opportunities for God to showcase His amazing power and continued faithfulness.

Yours in His Excellence,

Wayne D. Lewis, Jr.