Grad Party – Highlander Style

It’s finally here!

After all of your hard work and late nights, it’s time to graduate. And, best of all, you’re headed to Houghton in the fall! Of course, no graduation is complete without a grad party. 

Here are our top 5 tips on how to throw the best Highlander Graduation Party!

1. Plan ahead! 

Pick a date, finalize a guest list, send your invitations, and make a plan for any food/refreshments. If you’re going to reserve a space, get that secured early. If you’ll be at your home, make a plan for any tent, chairs, etc. that you might need. 

2. Order supplies!

You are a highlander, and that means you’re part of the purple and gold family. Don’t forget to get your appropriately themed décor (as many or as few as you wish). Here are a few options:

3. Photos!

Dig into that camera roll and take a trip down memory lane. Pick your favorites for a slideshow or print copies for a collage board (or both!).

4. Cake!

Cup-sized or sheet cake, it’s a great way to celebrate. You can even use this exclusive Houghton Canva template for your cake artwork (click "use this template" and login or create a Canva account to upload your senior photo and drag and drop into the frame).  Download this image for a bakery – this also makes a great printed sign!

6. Decorate!

It’s time to assemble your supplies and grab your Houghton gear! Remember to feature:

  • Your Houghton Acceptance Box pennant
  • Your Accepted Student Day poster
  • Your Houghton Bound banner (haven’t gotten yours yet? Keep an eye on your mailbox!)
  • Check out The Highlander Shop to find your own Houghton gear

Don’t forget to share your celebration with us! Post your favorite graduation party pictures to the Fall 2024 Highlanders Facebook group or tag @HoughtonUniversity in your posts.

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