0 Houghton MBA residency students standing by the H on Houghton's campus.

Houghton MBA Students Meet On Campus For Annual Residency

August 28, 2023

Students in Houghton’s Master of Business Administration (MBA) met on campus for their annual residency last week. This two-day program introduces new students to their fellow online MBA classmates and professors, and serves as the culmination of the program for graduating students as they present their final Personal Integrative Projects. These projects may take the form of a business plan for a new entrepreneurial venture or a significant change initiative for an existing organization.

The range and creativity of these projects showcased not only the knowledge gained through the program but also the passion and innovation of each of the graduates. The MBA program emphasizes transformational leadership through Christ-centered principles and the triple bottom line of Profit, People and Planet, and these elements were evident in the excellent ideas and presentations put forth by our graduates. We look forward to seeing how these individuals will go forth to lead and labor in the world!

Alex G. Wright, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Management & Business Administration; MBA Program Director; Hoselton Chair of Private Enterprise and Ethics

Embarking on the MBA journey at Houghton University was transformative; each lecture, discussion, and project was a step towards unlocking my potential and shaping a future filled with limitless possibilities.

Rudy Alvarez-Armas ’23

My time at Houghton has been educational, enriching, and exciting.  The MBA program has prepared me for that next step in my career while giving me support and personal encouragement from staff and peers that could never been found in the huge universities.

Kelly Welninski ’19, ’23 (M.B.A.)