0 President Lewis on Houghton's campus wearing pinstripe suit and purple tie.

President Lewis Speaks About Holy Week on Bob Lonsberry Show

March 28, 2024

Houghton University President, Dr. Wayne D. Lewis, Jr., spoke on the significance of Holy Week with Bob Lonsberry on WHAM 1180. In the interview, President Lewis described the events of Jesus’ life during his final hours.

“We are talking about pieces of Christianity that are absolutely central and essential to our faith,” said Lewis. “If there is no living and death of Jesus Christ as the Son of God, then there is no Christianity. If there is no breaking of the body, there is no Christianity. If there is no resurrection, which we will celebrate on Easter Sunday, then there is no Christianity… Jesus had to die because of you, and because of me, and because the entrance of sin into this world has so separated man from God… that we could only be reconciled to our holy God by this final atoning sacrifice… so that those of us who believe in fact that Jesus is the Son of God, that he died for our sins and would be raised from the dead, that we would be forgiven for our sins and have the opportunity to have eternal life. “

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