0 Houghton bible and theology student Elijah Sproull in church.

Houghton Student Volunteers at Young Life

March 21, 2024

Every week, Houghton student Elijah Sproull โ€™26 volunteers at a new Young Life club in Perry where he is positively impacting the faith journeys and lives of high schoolers in the community.

Sproull grew up attending Young Life in middle school and high school, during which developed a bond with one of the leaders there that has lasted ever since.โ€œMy Young Life leader in high school is still one of my best friends to this day,โ€ said Sproull. โ€œThe mentorship he offered me in my life helped me grow in my faith and become interested in theology.

Despite growing up in Young Life, Sproull never thought that he would go into ministry. It was not until Young Life Leader Kyle Morley reached out to him in the summer of 2023 about leading in Perry when he seriously considered the position.

I am trying to make an impact in these kidsโ€™ lives and be the mentor to them that I had for myself … You have people pouring into you and you want to pour out into other people.

Elijah Sproull ’26


During the Fall 2023 semester, Sproull has found that a lot of what he is learning in a theology course on Missions in the Global Church is helpful in ministering at Young Life. โ€œThe [course] book says a lot on global missions,โ€ said Sproull, โ€œbut also a lot of that is applicable to missions here [Houghton] and missions in Young Life.โ€

President Lewis and his family had the opportunity to attend the annual Young Life Dessert Banquet at Geneseo United Methodist Church. Monica Lewis commented that โ€œit was an evening filled with delicious desserts, entertainment, volunteer leader recognition, student testimonies and the opportunity to learn more about the incredible impact of Young Life.โ€

Students, like Elijah, prepare for their callings in ministry through a broad range of Bible & Theology courses on ministry and serviceย offered at Houghton, each carefully designed to challenge students with deep theological discussion and inspire them all the same.

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