Generating Interest in a Class

Generating Interest in a Class

I don’t like the subject

Whether or not you like the course, it’s important to perform well.  If your future goals are not clear, it is all the more reason to perform well.  You don’t want your lack of effort now to hinder goals you might to pursue in the future.

  • Find out more about the course content.
    • read outside material on the subject
    •  talk to students in the major and ask:
      Why do they find the subject interesting?
      What excites them most about the field and how can you get excited about it?
  • Apply the course content to areas that you are interested in and are meaningful to you.

ex:  You are a Pre-Med major taking Economics to meet a Gen Ed Requirement

  1. If you invest $100,000 in Med School, how soon based on the projected Economy in 10 years will you see a return on your investment?
  2. Where is the best place to set up your practice if you are determined to retire at the age or 55? Will projections allow you to retire?
  3. What type of financial future will I have if I specialize and want to remain in an urban setting? Will I be able to charge the “going rate”?
  4. What impact will the global economy have on the medical field?
  •  Use effective study strategies.  Studying more is not always studying better.

The class is boring

Make it a point to generate interest; intend to become interested.

  • Take quality notes - notes that are complete, well organized.
  • Elaborate your notes - use different colors to highlight your notes, make notations, etc.
  • Make comments in class and have a question ready to ask each day.
  • Read in advance - the lecture will seem more interesting if you already know some of what the professor is going to talk about.
  • Be aggressive in your listening.
    • Sit in the front of the class
    • Sit up straight
    • Be prepared and alert
    • Interact with the Professor - both verbally and mentally

From:  Learning to Learn:  Make the Transition from Student to Life-Long Learner
Kenneth Kiewra & Nelson DuBois, Allyn & Bacon, Boston, MA  1998