President Lewis Interviewed on Family Life Network

September 1, 2023

Houghton University President, Dr. Wayne D. Lewis, Jr., was interviewed by Greg Gillispie on Faith Under Fire on the Family Life Network. In the interview, President Lewis expressed his excitement for the fire he has observed in Houghton’s students to transform the world for Jesus Christ.

We continue to be an institution that is intentional about the integration of our Christian faith and academic excellence. There is no challenge for us in the total integration of the two. So that means whether you are an English major or Music major or Science major, whether you are in the residence halls or student life or athletics, there is total integration of who we are as a believers in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with our pursuit of excellence on the field and in the classroom and in the concert hall. That’s who we are, that’s who we’ve been foundationally since our founding, and we’re so excited that God continues to provide a path forward for us to be that for young people today.

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