Houghton business student sitting in the investment center with laptop.

Certified Financial Planning Minor

A certification with an competitive edge.

This new Houghton University minor will provide you with the courses necessary to be eligible for the Certified Financial Planning® exam. Get a jumpstart on pursing your Certified Financial Planning® certification, a certification that 83% of financial advisors say gives them a competitive advantage to their peers.

Explore the Course Requirements

How do I become a Certified Financial Planner® ?

CFP® Certification has four components:


Complete bachelor's degree & 7 course sequence (21 hours)


170-question, multiple choice test; 6-hours


6,000 hours of professional experience or complete 4,000 hours of an apprenticeship


Complete the ethics declaration forms and pass a background check

This new Houghton University minor covers the education portion, making you eligible to sit for the exam.

Certified Financial Planning® Courses Offered in Partnership with RIZE Education

This Certified Financial Planning® (CFP) minor is a CFP® Board Registered Program that includes the seven-course (21-hour) sequence necessary to fulfill the education requirement for CFP® Certification.

CFP® Certification Benefits in the Marketplace

CFP® professionals take a holistic, personalized approach to bring all the pieces of a client's financial life together. CFP® professionals are rigorously trained in 72 areas of financial expertise and must accrue thousands of hours of experience prior to earning their certification.

90% of consumers see an advisor's certifications as important.

86% of consumers prefer an advisor who has passed a certification exam and rigorous education program.

81% of consumers prefer an advisor who takes all areas of their financial life into account.

Is the Certified Financial Planning® Certification worth it?

The short answer... YES! Financial Management roles are predicted to grow 17% over the next decade.* That's two times more than the average job. And there's more... according to US News, a career in financial planning is their top ten Best Business Jobs.

Careers for Certified Financial Planners® & Potential Earning

Financial Planner $68,532 per year
Personal Financial Advisor $89,330 per year
Wealth Management Advisor $97,176 per year
Financial Managers $134,180 per year

say they have a competitive edge over other financial advisors (CFP.net). CFP® Financial Advisors and Planners are accredited by the Certified Financial Planner® Board of Standards (CFP Board).

Is a CFP® certification right for me?

Pursuing certification could be right for you, if you are:

A Clear Communicator


A Good Listener


Independent Minded

Ready for what’s next?

Discover if a minor in Certified Financial Planning® from Houghton University is right for you.
