Houghton Student Scholarship Fund recipient Christian Welker sitting by Houghton Star banner.

Student Scholarship Fund

The Houghton University Student Scholarship Fund equips students with the financial resources to pursue God’s call on their lives through their Houghton education.

Giving to the Student Scholarship Fund is a powerful way to ensure Houghton’s academically challenging, Christ-centered education is affordable and accessible to students from diverse traditions and backgrounds. Every dollar given to the Student Scholarship Fund directly supports a Houghton student’s education.

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Meet Christian Welker '24

Dual history and writing major. London Honors participant. Co-editor-in-chief of The Houghton STAR. Community builder. Christ-follower.

Houghton Student Scholarship recipient Christian Welker.

When you ask Christian Welker ’24 about the impact of his Houghton experience, the first thing he says is “life-changing.” He uses phrases like “changed the trajectory of my life” and “a more well-rounded person.” Christian uses words like “confidence,” “freedom,” “conviction.” “Complete.”

Christian, a dual major in history and writing, thought he wanted to be a physicist, but when forced to choose between Science Honors and London Honors in his first year of college, London Honors won the day. That one simple choice upset all of Christian’s ideas about who he was and what he wanted to do. Time with his Honors professors, including writing professor Susan Bruxvoort Lipscomb and history professor Christian Esh ’98, inspired him to change his major and gave him a vision for a different future. To Christian, Houghton is a place where your gifts and abilities are seen and developed.

Houghton student Christian Welker standing by The Houghton STAR entry wall.

Christian is applying these gifts is as co-editor-in-chief of The Houghton STAR. What started as a whim article resulted in a desire to help the paper make some drastic changes, improving how the STAR operates. Although journalism was never on Christian’s radar, he’s taken on the challenge of leading his editors and writers with passion, maturity and wisdom, relying substantially on the mentoring of writing professor Jonathan Gates ’85 in two semesters of print journalism classes. Christian relates that Professor Gates pushed him to be a professional, to take his student role as seriously as a job, to set a higher standard for himself and to work harder. Professor Gates also demonstrated how to love people well and exercise meaningful grace.

Christian, an aspiring museum employee, isn’t just growing as a writer and historian. He’s using his time at Houghton to also grow as a Christ-follower. Inspired by his grandfather, Christian strives to see the humanity in everyone around him, a trait he’s honing at Houghton by exploring a diversity of thoughts, ideas and perspectives and learning to not reduce people to a single viewpoint or position. “I can talk to people I disagree with and come away still disagreeing but understanding their perspectives,” shares Christian.

As one of six children, Christian is putting himself through college. He works hard over breaks to save enough funds to pay his tuition but still sometimes worries he’ll run short. Thanks to the Student Scholarship Fund, Christian is able to make ends meet, resulting in a high degree of self-sufficiency. Scholarships make a Christ-centered education possible for Christian, the same education that has produced a confident, grateful, complete young scholar-servant, fully equipped to change the world.

Please make a gift to the Student Scholarship Fund today to ensure that future scholar-servants like Christian continue to have the resources they need to access a transformational educational experience.

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