Houghton student sitting at outdoor table with laptop covered in stickers.

The Houghton Promise

Have Confidence in Your Investment

You want a high-quality education at an affordable priceโ€”an education that puts God first and that will prepare you for the fast-paced and ever-changing world of the 21st century.

The Houghton Promise is our commitment to you about the quality and value of your Houghton education and about the superb preparation you will receive for your future.


of Houghton students are employed or in graduate school within 6 months of graduation.

Class of 2023

View Alumni Success & Career Outcomes


Receive exceptional quality at an affordable price.

You donโ€™t have to choose between high-quality education and affordability. Fiske ranked Houghton University among theย top 10 in the nationย in best valueย among private colleges, and the Wall Street Journal reported thatย Houghtonโ€™s Endowment beat out Harvardย aiding students with economic need.

A Houghton education is about preparing for lifeโ€™s journeyโ€”and it all begins with making it possible for you to attend.

Learn more about tuition & aid

Authentic Christ-Centered Community

You will be afforded opportunities to engage in intentional worship, small groups, prayer, communion, mentoring and service.

Because a Houghton education is wrapped in spiritual formation, everyday rhythms become vehicles for Godโ€™s presence. Thoughtful scheduling of chapel services, worship services, and Bible studies provides students with a deep and genuine Christ-centered experience.

Explore spiritual life opportunities

Academic Quality

Your education will be enhanced with real-world experiences, like off-campus travel, internships, and research, meeting the demands of todayโ€™s employers.

Imagine graduating not just with a degree, but with a clear vision of how your unique talents can serve God's purposes in your chosen field. Inspired by Christ's Great Commission, Houghtonโ€™s CO-mission approach transforms your college experience, sending you into the world as the hands and feet of Christ. In fact, aย Gallup-Purdue studyย showed that graduates who underwent transformative learning opportunities were significantly more likely to be prepared for life outside of college.

Discover Houghton's Co-Mission


You will reach your goal, whether graduate school or employment, sooner and save one year of tuition through a three-year graduation track, available in most programs.

A Houghton education is about creating aย personalized learning experienceย to fit your timelines and goals. Accelerated tracks provide you with the opportunity toย earn your degree in three yearsย in most majors, saving you thousands of dollars in college costs and launching you into graduate school or the workforce a year ahead of schedule.

Find a Three-Year Option

Financial Counseling

Whether you are navigating the student loan process or looking for wisdom on managing your money, Houghton has the resources to support you.

Houghton has partnered with Edamerica to provide you with resources to build a secure financial future. Edamerica can help explain budgets, money management and the student loan process so you understand your options. If you are entering repayment, Edamerica will help you navigate the 11 ways you can pay back your federal loans and guide you to the best option for your life. They will check in regularly to see how you're doing.

We are so committed to your success that if you are not offered employment or accepted into graduate school upon graduation

Houghton University will offer a tuition-free bonus year of on-campus study.2

This is our promise to you. Once youโ€™re part of the Highlander family, youโ€™re a highlander for life.

Bonus Year Policy and Details

ย  Apply for your bonus year belowย 

  • Bonus Year Questionnaire

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

1Based on the latest tuition survey by the Council of Christian Colleges and Universities.

2Eligible students must be in good standing with the offices of Academic Support and Accessibility, Student Financial Services, Student Life and Vocation and Calling at the time of graduation. Documentation of an active job search or graduate school applications must also be submitted to be considered for the tuition-free bonus year. Students must live on-campus for this bonus year.